Unlocking Laravel’s Potential: A Junior Developer’s Roadmap

Manish Kumar, Owner @Pixospace
11 min readJan 29, 2024


This idea came to me while reviewing assignments where I noticed that many developers are not utilizing Laravel to its full potential. Instead of leveraging Laravel’s features, they are simply writing plain PHP code within Laravel. For instance, they are writing all their code in one method, creating multiple irrelevant functions in controllers, and using raw SQL queries instead of Eloquent relationships. Additionally, they are not implementing queues for handling emails, and there’s a lack of comments and exception handling in their code. They also haven’t utilized database transactions, log handling, and policies for authorization. Furthermore, they’re not addressing the N+1 query problem, which is crucial for optimizing database interactions. Lastly, their naming conventions are not up to standard.

Welcome to Laravel!

Hello! If you’re starting out with Laravel, this guide is for you. Laravel is a tool for making websites and web apps. Sometimes, it might feel tricky, but don’t worry. We’ll show you how to use Laravel well. You’ll learn how to avoid common mistakes and make your code better.

Getting to Know Laravel

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a way to build websites. It uses a smart plan called MVC (Model-View-Controller). This plan helps keep your code organized. You have different parts: one for the data, one for the web pages, and one for the instructions. It’s like sorting your clothes, books, and toys into different boxes.

Why Use Laravel’s Plan?

Using Laravel’s plan helps you write better code. It makes your work tidy and easier to handle later. Plus, Laravel has cool tools and shortcuts. If you use them right, you can do your work faster and better.

The Difference Between Just PHP and Laravel

If you only use PHP in Laravel, it’s like having a cool bike but not using its gears. Laravel has many special tools that make your job easier. Learning to use these tools is what we’ll focus on.

Effective Use of Controllers

What is a Controller?

In Laravel, a controller is like a boss in an office. It tells what should happen when someone visits a page on your website. But sometimes, we make this boss do too many things, like handling data, which makes the code messy.

Keeping Controllers Organized

1. Using Services and Repositories:

  • Services: Think of services as helpers. They do specific jobs. For example, if you have a website where people sign up, a service can handle just the sign-up part.
  • Repositories: These are like librarians. They deal with getting and storing data. So, instead of having your controller do this, the repository takes care of it.


Here’s a simple way to use a repository:

// UserController.php
public function showUsers(UserRepository $userRepository)
$users = $userRepository->getAll();
return view('users.list', ['users' => $users]);
// UserRepository.php
class UserRepository
public function getAll()
return User::all();

In this example, the UserController asks the UserRepository to get all the users. It keeps the controller simple.

2. Using Requests and Traits:

  • Requests: These handle what comes into your website, like form data. They help check if the data is okay.
  • Traits: Traits are like toolkits. If different parts of your website need the same tool, you put it in a trait and share it.


Using a Request to check data:

// StoreUserRequest.php
class StoreUserRequest extends FormRequest
public function rules()
return [
'name' => 'required|max:255',
'email' => 'required|email|unique:users',
// more rules...

// UserController.php
public function store(StoreUserRequest $request)
// Now we know the request data is good...
// Add the new user...

And a Trait to share a tool:

// ApiResponse.php
trait ApiResponse
public function successResponse($message, $data = null, $statusCode = 200)
return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => $message,
'data' => $data
], $statusCode);


// UserController.php
class UserController extends Controller
use ApiResponse;

public function index()
// Fetch users logic...
$users = []; // Assume this is fetched data
return $this->successResponse('Users retrieved successfully', $users);

In these examples, we keep our controller clean by using Requests and Traits for specific tasks.

Leveraging Eloquent for Database Interactions

What is Eloquent?

Eloquent is Laravel's way of talking to the database. Think of it as a friendly translator. Instead of writing complex SQL queries, you tell Eloquent what you need, and it gets it for you in a simpler way.

Why Use Eloquent?

Using Eloquent is great because:

  1. It's simpler: You write less code and it's easier to understand.
  2. It's safer: It protects your website from some common database problems.
  3. It's powerful: You can do a lot with just a few lines of code.

Examples of Using Eloquent

Getting Data:

Instead of writing a long SQL query, with Eloquent, you can just do this:

$users = User::all(); // This gets all users from the User table.

Adding Data:

Adding new data is simple too:

$user = new User();
$user->name = 'Alice';
$user->email = 'alice@example.com';
$user->save(); // This saves Alice to the database.


Eloquent can easily handle relationships between tables. For example, if a user has many posts:

$posts = $user->posts; // This gets all posts written by the user.

Solving the N+1 Query Problem

The N+1 query problem happens when you get a lot of data from the database in an inefficient way. Eloquent can solve this with something called "eager loading."


$users = User::with('posts')->get(); // This gets all users and their posts together, which is much faster.

Using Eloquent like this makes working with databases in Laravel much easier and more efficient.

Implementing Queues for Email Handling

What Are Queues?

Imagine you're at a busy coffee shop. Instead of making one coffee at a time, what if you could take orders quickly and make the coffees in the background? That's what queues do in Laravel. They help manage tasks like sending emails without slowing down your website.

Why Use Queues for Emails?

  1. Speed: Your website stays fast because it doesn't wait for each email to be sent.
  2. Reliability: Even if something goes wrong while sending an email, it won't affect your website or lose the email.
  3. Efficiency: You can handle a lot of emails without overloading your server.

Setting Up a Queue

Setting up a queue in Laravel is straightforward:

  1. Configure Your Queue: First, choose where to store your queue data. You can use your database, Redis, or other options.
  2. Create a Job: A job is like a to-do note. It tells Laravel what to do when sending the email.
  3. Dispatch the Job: This means putting the job in the queue to be done.

Example of Sending Emails with Queues

Here's how you can set up a simple email queue:

// .env
QUEUE_CONNECTION=database // This tells Laravel to use the database for queues.

// SendEmailJob.php
class SendEmailJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;

public function handle()
// Code to send the email...

// UserController.php
public function store(Request $request)
// After saving a user...

In this example, when a new user is added, the job to send an email is put in the queue. Laravel will handle the email in the background.

Code Readability and Maintenance

Why Is Readable Code Important?

Readable code is like a well-organized book. It's easy for you and others to understand and change later. Good code should speak for itself, telling anyone who reads it what it does and why.

Tips for Writing Readable Code

  1. Use Clear Naming: Names of variables, functions, and classes should describe what they do. For example, getUserByEmail is better than just getUser.
  2. Write Comments: Comments are notes that explain why you did something. They help others understand your thinking.
  3. Keep It Simple: Don't make things complicated when they can be simple. Simple code is easier to manage and has fewer mistakes.

Handling Exceptions

Exceptions are like roadblocks in your code. They tell you when something went wrong. Handling exceptions means planning for these problems so your website can deal with them smoothly.


try {
// Try to do something...
} catch (Exception $e) {
// If there's a problem, do this...

In this example, if there's an error in the try block, the catch block handles it.

Using Database Transactions

Transactions are important when dealing with databases. Think of a transaction as a safety net. If something goes wrong while changing the database, everything goes back to how it was before.


DB::transaction(function () {
// Your database operations here...

This ensures that if something fails inside the function, the database won't be partially updated.

Log Handling

Logs are like a diary for your website. They record what happened and when. Good log handling helps you find and fix problems faster.

In Laravel, you can write to the log like this:

Log::info('Something happened!');

This line adds a note to the log saying "Something happened!"

Security and Authorization

Keeping Your Laravel App Secure

Security in web development is like locking your house properly. You want to keep unwanted visitors out. Laravel makes it easier to secure your app, but you still need to know how to use its tools properly.

Basic Security Practices

  1. Validation: Always check the data users send to your website. Laravel has easy ways to validate data, like form requests.
  2. Passwords: Laravel has built-in functions to safely handle passwords. Never store passwords as plain text.
  3. Updates: Keep Laravel and its packages updated. Updates often include security fixes.

Managing User Access with Authorization

Authorization is about deciding who can do what in your app. For example, maybe only admins can delete posts.

Laravel offers several ways to handle this, like gates and policies.

Example: Using Policies

Policies are rules for specific models. For instance, you can have a policy for who can edit a blog post.

// PostPolicy.php
class PostPolicy
public function update(User $user, Post $post)
return $user->id === $post->user_id;

// In your controller
if ($user->can('update', $post)) {
// The user can update the post...

In this example, only the user who created the post can update it.

CSRF Protection

CSRF stands for Cross-Site Request Forgery. It's a type of attack on websites. Laravel has built-in CSRF protection for your forms to keep them safe.

Always use Laravel's forms with CSRF tokens:

// In your Blade template
<form method="POST" action="/post">
<!-- Your form fields here -->

The @csrf directive adds a security token to your form, protecting it from CSRF attacks.

Performance Optimization Techniques

Making Your Laravel App Faster

A fast website is like a fast car - everyone loves a smooth and quick ride. In web development, speed is key to keeping users happy. Laravel has many features to help speed up your app.

1. Optimizing Database Queries

One of the biggest slowdowns in a web app can be how it talks to the database. Here's how to make it faster:

  • Eager Loading: This is about loading related data in one go. It prevents the app from asking the database too many times.
  • Using Indexes: Indexes in a database are like an index in a book. They help the database find data faster.

2. Caching

Caching is like remembering something instead of looking it up again. In Laravel, you can cache:

  • Views: Store rendered web pages so they load faster next time.
  • Data: Remember results from the database or calculations.

3. Using Queues

Remember how queues help with emails? They're also great for any task that takes time. Queues let your app handle these tasks later so users aren't waiting.

4. Asset Optimization

Your website's assets are things like images, JavaScript, and CSS files. Making these files smaller and combining them can speed up your site.

Laravel Mix is a tool that helps with this. It can combine and minimize your assets.

5. Config and Route Caching

Laravel can remember your app's configuration and routes. This means it doesn't have to reload them every time a page is visited.

Use these commands to cache them:

php artisan config:cache
php artisan route:cache

6. Environment Configuration

Laravel works differently in development and production. Make sure your .env file is set up for production. This can make a big difference in speed.

Best Practices and Conventions

Writing High-Quality Laravel Code

Good coding habits are essential for creating successful projects. In Laravel, following best practices and conventions not only makes your code better but also easier for others to understand and work with.

1. Follow Laravel Naming Conventions

Laravel has its own set of naming rules. For example:

  • Controllers: Use singular names like UserController, not UsersController.
  • Models: Also singular, like Order instead of Orders.
  • Database Tables: These are typically plural, so users, posts, etc.

Sticking to these rules makes it easier for you and others to navigate your code.

2. Keep Your Controllers Light

Avoid putting business logic in your controllers. Use services or repositories instead. Controllers should handle HTTP requests and delegate the heavy lifting.

3. Use Eloquent ORM Effectively

Eloquent is powerful. Use its features to the fullest, like relationships, scopes, and accessors. This not only simplifies your code but also makes it more readable.

4. Validation and Business Logic

Keep validation out of your controllers. Use request classes for this. Also, keep your business logic in service classes or models, not scattered throughout your code.

5. Testing

Testing is crucial. Write tests for your code to ensure it works as expected and to catch bugs early. Laravel provides powerful testing features out of the box.

6. Stay Updated

Laravel evolves constantly. Keep your skills and your Laravel applications updated. This not only improves security but also gives you access to the latest features.

7. Community Best Practices

Laravel has a large and active community. Engage with it. Read blogs, join forums, and attend Laravel meetups or webinars. Learning from others is a great way to improve.

Advanced Topics and Further Learning

Expanding Your Laravel Knowledge

Once you're comfortable with the basics of Laravel, it's time to explore more complex and powerful features. Here are some areas where you can deepen your understanding:

1. Advanced Eloquent Techniques

Dive deeper into Eloquent ORM. Explore advanced features like polymorphic relationships, complex scopes, and advanced query building. Understanding these can greatly enhance how you interact with databases.

2. Laravel Packages

The Laravel ecosystem is rich with packages that extend the framework's capabilities. Learn how to integrate and use packages like Laravel Nova, Telescope, or Socialite for added functionality in your projects.

3. API Development

APIs are a key part of modern web development. Laravel makes API development a breeze. Explore topics like API resources, authentication using Laravel Passport or Sanctum, and rate limiting.

4. Livewire and Inertia.js

For those interested in front-end development with Laravel, Livewire and Inertia.js offer powerful tools for creating dynamic interfaces. Understanding these tools can add a new dimension to your Laravel skills.

5. Testing and Deployment

Expand your testing knowledge beyond basic unit tests. Explore feature testing, test-driven development (TDD), and how to deploy Laravel applications efficiently using tools like Envoyer or Laravel Forge.

Resources for Learning

  • Laravel Documentation: Always your first stop for learning. Laravel's documentation is comprehensive and well-written.
  • Laracasts: Video tutorials covering a wide range of Laravel topics, from beginner to advanced.
  • Laravel News: Stay updated with the latest news, tutorials, and packages in the Laravel world.
  • GitHub and Open Source Projects: Look at open-source Laravel projects on GitHub. Reading and contributing to these projects can provide valuable learning experiences.

Joining the Community

Engaging with the Laravel community can provide support, insights, and opportunities for collaboration. Consider joining online forums, attending Laravel meetups, and participating in Laravel conferences.



Manish Kumar, Owner @Pixospace
Manish Kumar, Owner @Pixospace

Written by Manish Kumar, Owner @Pixospace

12 yrs as a PHP dev, 7 in Laravel. Now a full-time freelancer writing about coding, freelancing, and tech fixes on Medium.

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